Terms Of Service

Returning the application form to MNAEYE NGO, branding name is EDEX implies you have confirmed your participation at 30th International Education Exhibition – Mongolia, constituting a contractual agreement between MNAEYE NGO and the institute.

Upon the receipt of the invoice, the participating institute should settle the payment within 14 days and please send a copy of the bank transfer to: email at fin@mnyea.mn

The contract is valid under Mongolian Law. Venue is Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

All attending participants are advised to obtain adequate insurance cover against possible cancellation due to illness or bereavement

EDEXPO exhibition organizer reserves the right to change the venue.

Participants should be insured against personal liability, theft and fire. The Organizer will not be liable for any loss or damage to exhibits or equipment regardless of whether this loss or damage is prior to, during, or after the exhibition. Should you need to cancel your registration; the following refund policy will apply:

All cancellations or alterations to bookings must be notified in writing.

In case of a complete cancellation by the Institution or cancellation of attendance of a representative’s accommodation, MNAEYE NGO reserves the right to impose the following cancellation charge:

In respect of cancellation of participation received before 2023/09/03, 50% of the full participation fee is forfeit;

In respect of cancellation of participation received after 2023/09/04, no refund of the full participation fee;

The Organizers shall not be liable for any loss sustained by the Exhibitor directly or indirectly attributable to the cancellation, suspension or reduction of duration of the scheduled Exhibition from the period advertised or specified due to:

a. Force Majeure.

b. Acts of War, Military Activity, Municipal Statutory or Civil Authority requisition.

c. Fire, flood, typhoon, excessively inclement of weather, earthquake, contagious disease or a combination of the same.

d. Damage caused by an aerial object or aircraft.

e. Strikes or lockouts by workmen If the Exhibition is cancelled, reduced or postponed then and in such event the unit costs paid to the Organizer, or any part thereof may be refunded at the sole discretion of the Organizer to the Exhibitors but without prejudice to the Organizers’ right to appropriate not refund full participation fee.